Well, some UNIX programming and scripting done by me. So you know it's bad,
and furthermore, mostly trivial. Some things may seem to be highly redundant,
but keep in mind that I use these on my system, and probably are too lazy
to change /s/wav/voc/g into /s/foo/bar/g everytime I need such a script...
It is also important to know that some of this stuff is "dead code" (e.g.
genindex), things I'll probably never use anymore (I don't write anything
the slightest bit complicated in shell anymore, for instance -- I use perl)
Anyway, it is here, so it doesn't get lost. Languages used are c, perl,
awk, sed, expect, tcl and bash if I'm right. There should be no c-shell
and no korn-shell (though I think I did something with korn). There IS no
Tk and will never be.
The scripts and programs are all considered public domain, except where
stated otherwise (there are some GPL'd programs here).
All of these can be found at
- bicapitalize 1.0 (perl) -- BiCapitalizes
filenames containing spaces and underscores. Version 1.0 is nearly a
complete rewrite of 0.99, fixes a lot of wrong character mappings and
also adds more mappings.
- respace 0.3 (perl) -- puts back spaces (actually
underscores) into BiCapitalized filenames.
- respacefilter 0.1 (perl) -- puts back spaces
into BiCapitalized strings. Works as filter for pipes, or takes a string as argument.
- lowercase 1.0 (perl) -- lowercases filenames
in the current directory.
All of these can be found at
except for
- type1-rename 1.1 (perl) -- rename all type1 fonts in
a directory according to their internal names.
- epub-meta-0.3.tar.gz (c) -- A very
fast EPUB metadata-viewer based on ebook-tools' libepub from Ely Levy. Does
not contain epub-rename anymore.
- epub-rename 0.9 (perl) -- A script to
rename epub-files according to the EPUB's metadata. Needs epub-meta (on this
page) and ebook-meta (from calibre). 0.9 has some fixes to not create files
which start with a space or a dash.
- exif-rename 0.3 (perl) -- A script to rename
files according to their EXIF-tags. Tested with PDF, DJVU, M4V, OGM, MKV
and MP3
- exif-meta 0.8 (perl) -- A script to set
EXIF/XMP-metatags according to the filename. Works with PDF. Since 0.6
the fix-parameter works correctly and does not loose metadata, 0.8 fixed
some too-greedy matching and ignores some transient errors.
- exif-info 0.1 (perl) -- Displays metadata
and textual content of (mostly) PDF files. Thought as filter for
Midnight Commander
- titlemkv 0.4 (perl) -- Sets title tags of
BiCapitalized MKV-files automatically. Also, can prefix title tags, fix
some titles, and create simple nfo-files for xbmc.
- nfo2xml 0.1 (perl) -- converts kodi metadata
.nfo-files to Matroshka metadata XML files. Caution, only slightly tested,
bugs will appear.
- thek2xml 0.1 (perl) -- converts mediathek metadata
.txt-files to Matroshka metadata XML files. Caution, only slightly tested,
bugs will appear.
- mkvattachcover (shell) -- converts movie
covers gotten with MediaElch and attaches them to mkv files.
- AVinfo.csv (template) -- template for use with
mediainfo --inform=file:///path/to/AVinfo.csv
- djvu-meta 0.1 (perl) -- A script to set
djvu-metadata from a file. Also can generate this file, from metadata
or from filename.
Indexing and Duplicates
- fileindex 0.2 (perl) -- Indexes MD5-sums of
files, add to this index and can check for dupes and remove them.
Image Processing
- android-unpack stupid script to decode .apk-files, all of those in a directory, actually.
- android-resign script to pack .apk-files, and sign them. Each project with it's own key.
Other genuine programs
- rqr-of20 (c) -- RuneQuest randomizer 2.0 official rules, Unix source, with DOS-executable as well
- phpimages (php) -- indices directories and generates gallery in PHP.
- tbb2mbox (perl) -- The Bat! .tbb-files to mbox converter
- ScrewTime 1.0 (c) -- screw time() and gettimeofday() for a specific program. shared library.
- phpdir (php) -- a veritable can-opener for hosts with missing open_basedir
- cgicheck (perl) -- check an Apache-webserver for
CGI-scripts. From the commandline, and in all possible locations
of all virtual webservers.
- distscp and collectscp (perl) --
distribute and collect files to/from servers according to /etc/clusters. A handy
companion to clusterssh.
- apo2vcf (perl) -- Convert Siemens S65 addressbook
binary files directly to VCF. Use this if sync does not work. Very ugly.
- ppp-2.3.5-radius -- patches ppp in order
to work with radius authentication. Based on Michael Lausch's patch. The ppp was patched with the debian-patch
beforehand. Needs radiusclient to compile. I use the Merit radius.
Strings in Files
- str2str2 (perl) -- string 2 string2, changes a string in a file
- none2None (perl) -- same as str2str2, fixes XPM-files.
- ss2ss (perl) -- same as str2str2, fixes german double-"s".
- lowercase (perl/tr) -- lowercase everything in textfiles.
- uml2html (perl) -- turns ISO-8859-1 umlauts into HTML-umlauts.
- mac2uml (perl) -- turns some MacOS umlauts into the one true ISO-8859-1 umlauts.
- dos2uml (perl) -- turns some DOS umlauts into real (ISO-8859-1) umlauts.
- rexx2perl (perl) -- some extractor for something. not really useful.
- setbody (shell) -- set body of html-files. dangerous, better use str2str2.
- sortaddress (shell/awk) -- sort my addressfile.
- filters.tar.bz2 (perl) -- stupid filters for /var/log/*.
- msc2bcc (perl) -- Microsoft C to Borland C. Unfinished.
- rtf2txt (perl) -- RTF to ASCII, using rtfreader and pt.
- fixlist (perl) -- Fix Debian .list-files padded by 0x00.
- txt2tex (perl) -- Convert somne ASCII to LaTeX.
- pass2shadow (shell/sed) -- convert passwd to shadow
- passalot (perl) -- install many users of a kind
- passcomp (shell) -- compare passwd-files
- passhomes (shell/awk) -- change tons of homedirs
- passnewdirs (shell/awk) -- create tons of homedirs
- passnopass (shell/awk) -- change passwords to 'x'
- pass4quota (shell/awk) -- extract users for installing quota
- htpass (perl) -- generate .htpasswd-file
Stupid and broken Programs
- slmenu.tar.bz2 (c) -- a prototype of a pulldown-menu made
with the SLang-library.
- menu.tar.bz2 (c) -- a menu. dead DOS source. conio sucks.
- tasten.tar.bz2 (c) -- keyboard-test, dead, uses conio. for DOS.
- tippe.tar.bz2 (c) -- the DOS-"TYPE" program reprogrammed!, works on Unix too!
- ddindex.bz2 (c) -- a DayDream/Linux BBS indexer.
ELF-binary (libc5) only, c-source is a mess.
- sendsms (expect) -- sends SMS-messages via swiss
terminal-based SMS-gateway.
- malier (shell)-- miserable attempt to create a mailbomber.
- manip (perl) -- LARP virtual cash account manager
- show (shell) -- LARP display virtual cash account
- genindex (shell/awk) -- generates indices of webpages. miserably.
- genhtml (shell/awk) -- generates html-indices of pictures.
- phpindex (php) -- indices directories in PHP.
- makehostlist (shell/awk) -- generates http hostlist in html
- maketnetlist (shell/awk) -- generates telnet hostlist in html
- rqr-hr10 (c) -- RuneQuest randomizer 1.0 house rules, source defect, DOS-executable works
- rqr-hr20 (c) -- RuneQuest randomizer 2.0 house rules, source defect, DOS-executable works
- rqr-of10 (c) -- RuneQuest randomizer 1.0 official rules, Unix source, with DOS-executable as well
- pingsub (perl) -- ping whole subnets.
- xutumno.sdl.tar.gz (c) -- first attempt to port xutumno to SDL.
- pdfindex.pl (perl) -- indexes pdfs into mysql
- foobar2bar (perl) -- changes foo.bar.* to bar.*
- foobarbaz2baz (perl) -- changes foo.bar.baz.* to baz.*
- htm2html (perl) -- fix .htm-cripples to .html
- tif2tiff (perl) -- fix .tif-crippled-ending to .tiff
- givetime (perl) -- outputs time arbitrary formatted.
- givedate (perl) -- outputs time/date arbitrary formatted.
- givedate (perl) -- outputs time/date arbitrary formatted.
- md5file (perl) -- computes md5sum for a file
- uniq (perl) -- uniq for perl-arrays
- pid-1 (shell) -- makes and tests for pidfiles
- pid-2 (perl) -- makes and tests for pidfiles
- getch.c (c) -- a getch() snippet for Unix.
- uae (shell) -- trivial uae starter
- cdw (shell) -- frontend for cdrecord
- vboxplay (shell) -- trivial vbox-play
- findsuid (shell) -- finds SUID/SGID programs
- delempty (shell) -- delete empty folders
- greps (shell) -- grep for processes
- hupnamed (shell) -- HUP the named and check if it's running
- hupwww (shell) -- HUP the apache and check if it's running
- l3make (perl) -- frontend to l3enc
- crash (perl) -- frontend for DoS attacks.
- netscape (shell) -- trivial netscape starter
- iwhois (perl) -- intelligent whois, chooses server from TLD.
- whois2domreg (perl) -- turns whois-queries into dom-reg formulars
Converters / Wrappers
- zip2bz2 (perl) -- turn .zip-files into .tar.bz2-files
- 8svx2wav (perl) -- turn 8svx to wav, by the power of sox.
- aiff2wav (perl) -- aiff to wav.
- bdf2pcf (perl) -- frontend to bdftopcf
- bmp2ppm (perl) -- windoze bmp to ppm
- fixwave (perl) -- fix broken wav's by piping through sox.
- fixmp3 (perl) -- fix loads of broken mp3's with mp3asm.
- gif2trans (perl) -- make gifs transparent.
- lha2bz2 (perl) -- .lha to .tar.bz2
- makeafm (perl) -- generate OS/2 .afm from windoze .pfm
- pcx2ppm (perl) -- pcx to ppm
- ppm2gif (perl) -- ppm to gif
- ppm2pcx (perl) -- ppm to pcx
- ppm2xpm (perl) -- ppm to xpm
- gif2png (perl) -- ppm to gif
- targz2bz2 (perl) -- .tar.gz to .tar.bz2
- targz2tgz (perl) -- .tar.gz to .tgz
- tgz2bz2 (perl) -- .tgz to .tar.bz2
- tgz2targz (perl) -- .tgz to .tar.gz
- voc2wav (perl) -- voc to wav
- wav2voc (perl) -- wav to voc (what did you expect?)
- xpm2ppm (perl) -- turn xpm's into ppm's
- z2bz2 (perl) -- .tar.z to .tar.bz2
- hex2ascii (perl) -- some special hex-strings to ASCII.
- mp3tobmu (perl) -- converts mp3-files to NWN bmu-files.
- bmutomp3 (perl) -- converts NWN bmu-files to mp3-files.
- talk -- stupid talk-script for eggdrop.
Hacked Apps