Interstel I-1102 Solomani Scout
(100t, TL 14)

The Interstel I-1102 was a ubiquitous design throughout the Solomani
Confederation and adjoining areas, serving much the same purpose as the
Imperial Type S Scout/Courier. The I-1102 is an evolutionary design, building
on the TL-13 I-1101 and the TL-12 I-1100. The current version of the
venerable Solomani Scout entered service shortly after the Solomani Patriotic
War (Solomani Rim War), gradually replacing the I-1101 in active service over
the next century. The craft is also popular with private organisations,
particularly corporations seeking an inexpensive courier / executive
The I-1102 was produced in huge numbers by the Solomani Confederation, and
saw extensive service during the Retribution War (2nd Rim War / Solomani
Invasion) from 1117. This ship, and the 'Victrix' class multipurpose sloop
are by far the most common relic ships to be found in the New Era, the sheer
numbers produced ensuring the survival of some ships following the
The Near Bootes Commonwealth operates a number of these craft - their high
tech communications and sensor equipment are prized by planetary and
Commonwealth organisations alike. The Solomani Scout is the vessel most
likely to be encountered beyond the Commonwealth's borders, operated by the
Stauffenburg und Warne, a small shipbuilder on Aquitaine, plans to restart
production of the I-1102, using TL-12 equipment where needed. The first
example was laid down on 057-1102, and is expected to be completed by year's
Variations on this design are too numerous to describe. One ofthe more
unusual modifications is the I-1102/D 'phin Scout, designed for use by
dolphin crews. Partitions seperating areas 4, 5 and 6 are removed, resulting
in the large open living and working space preferred by 'phins. Grav
compensators are turned off in flight, or adjusted to provide 'free fall'
conditions when on a planet's surface. The on-board environmental systems are
set to provide warm, extremely humid air.
The Belter Scout is similar to the 'Seeker' variation on the Imperial Type
S. The port staterooms are removed, as is the port walkway. The reclaimed
space is used as an extended cargo bay, used to hold ores.
- Displacement: 100 tons
- Hull Armor: 56
- Length: 21 meters
- Volume: 1400m3
- Price: MCr69.102
- Target Size: S
- Configuration: Dome/Disk, AF
- Tech Level: 14
- Mass (Loaded/Empty): 1321.41/1112.11
Engineering Data
- Power Plant: 160 MW Fusion Power Plant (160 MW per hit) 1 year
duration (16kl/yr)
- Jump Performance: 2 (210 m3 fuel)
- G-Rating: 2 (50 MW/G)
- G-Turns: 58 (89 using jump fuel), 8m3 of fuel each
- Maint: 26
- Computer: 3xTL-14 St Mod Computers (1.5 MW ea.)
- Commo: 1 x 300,000km radio (10 hexes, 10 MW), 1000AU maser (inf,
0.6 MW)
- Avionics: TL-10+ avionics
- Sensors: Passive EMS 150,000km folding array (5 hexes, 0.15 MW),
Active EMS 300,000km (DF capable, 10 hexes, 15 MW), TL 14 Densitometer (0.5
MW), TL 14 Neutrino Sensor
- EMM: EM masking (1.4 MW)
- Controls: Bridge with 4xBridge Workstations, plus 2 other
- Offensive: 1 x TL-14 Laser Turret (Loc 10 Arc 1,2,3,4,5)
- Master Fire Director: 1 x TL-14 Missile/Beam MFD (6 diff mods)
Mis; 10 hexes
Short Medium Long Ext.
150-Mj Laser Turret 1:1/10-30 2:1/10-30 4:1/10-30 8:1/10-30
- Life Support: Extended (0.28 MW), Gravitic Compensators (5G; 7
- Crew: 6 (1xCommand, 1xEngineers, 1xElectronics., 2xManeuver,
- Crew Accommodations: 3xLarge Staterooms
- Passenger Accommodations: 2xLarge Staterooms
- Cargo: 63 m3, with 1 large cargo hatch
- Small Craft: Air/raft carried in cargo bay
- Air Locks: 1
Damage Tables
1: 1-3 Radio, 4-5 AEMS, 6-10 PEMS, 11-16 EMM
2-3: Radio
4-5: 1-11 Densitometer
6: 1-6 PEMS
7: 1-6 PEMS, 7 Airlock
16: 1-10 Cargo Hatch
1: 1-14 Elec, 15-20 Qtrs
2-3: 1-4 Elec, 5-20 Qtrs
4-5, 8-9, 11,
14-19: Hold
6-7: Qtrs
10: 1-12: Laser, 13-20 Qtrs
12-13: 1-3 Qtrs, 4-20 Eng
20: Eng
Stats for Battle Rider
100t Solomani Scout
S I-1102 Scout
- -1
- TL-14
- FC:-5
L2:1-1-1-1 -
A:10 P:5 Msk (SP) J2 G2
AV:2 -
- 4

A larger version of the deck plans
(27K,1565x705) is available.
- A Quik Tour of the Ship
- 1) Bridge
- The small bridge area looks out through a extended cockpit over the front
of the ship. Four bridge workstations are present, each of which can be
dynamically reconfigured to fill any functions performed on the other three.
Normally, the two front workstations are manned by the maneuver and sensor
officers, with the jump and comms officers filling out the bridge crew
complement. In many cases, one crewmember will perform more than one
function, leaving workstations available for mission specialist personnel.
The bridge, although small, is comfortable. The area is usually carpeted, and
the high backed workstation chairs are traditionally upholstered with geniune
leather. Lockers set into the walls hold emergency escape kits. Entry to the
bridge is gained from two points: a secured iris valve set into the wall of
the airlock, or through a sliding door leading to the electronics
compartments and engineering room.
- 2) Computer Enclosure
- A locked and secured door prevents casual access to the computer
enclosure ('the closet'). Access is controlled from the bridge, although an
emergency key is also held by the ship's commanding officer. Three TL-14
Model Fb CPU's are housed in here.
- 3) Electronics Enclosure
- The bulk of the ship's sensor and communications electronics are housed
in the 'radio shack'. Once again, access is only possible via bridge control
or emergency key.
- 4) Double-occupancy staterooms
- Each stateroom contains two beds, storage space and a fresher, as well as
a fold-down desk with integral computer access. The staterooms are
comfortably (if not opulently) decorated (carpeting, programable wall
displays) and furnished. Plants are popular additions. The ship's extensive
audio, video and holographic library can be accessed from each of these
- 5) Single-occupancy staterooms
- These staterooms are much like their single-occupancy counterparts. The
major differences are the lack of a second bed (a single queen-sized bed is
present), larger desk/work area and the addition of a couch and
fridge/minibar. The starboard rear stateroom is normally the captain's cabin
- it contains a wall safe behind one of the wall holograms. The safe can be
keyed for key, voice, palm, iris or combination locking. The two port
staterooms can be designated passenger staterooms if necessary - they can be
isolated using the ship's security software.
- 6) Lounge / turret access
- This area is normally used as a crew/passenger lounge, living area and
gymnasium (gym equipment is stored next to the forward port stateroom). As
with the rest of the ship, it is carpeted and decorated with plant life and
wall displays. Electronics under the floor allows the display of large
holographic images in the centre of the room - useful for briefings. An
retractable ladder leads upward to the ship's turret. At the rear of the room
are two iris valves (secured) leading to the engineering area. The forward
end of the room ends in a corridor leading to the cargo bay and
- 7), 8), 9) Engineering
- The engineering space houses the power plant, maneuver drive ignition
systems and the jump field generator. The floor is made from metal grill
panels, coated with PTFE to reduce conductivity and provide a 'non-slip'
surface. The panels are removable, allowing access to those parts of the
engineering systems located underneath the deck). The engineer's workstation
is located near the power plant, and is fully reconfigurable. On the port
side of the area, a sliding door allows access to the port walkway leading to
the cargo bay. The starboard walkway leads to the bridge, as well as
providing access to the electronics and computer enclosures.
- 10) Cargo Bay
- The cargo bay will hold up to 63 m^3 (4.5 displacement tons). Most of
this space is normally taken up by a 3t air/raft. The cargo bay is isolated
from the rest of the ship by two secured iris valves, allowing the area to be
depressurised when necessary. A small cargo hatch allows access to the bay
from outside the ship.
Writen by Michael Bailey
Layout and illustrations by Chris Cox A.K.A.
Copyright© 1995 by Micheal Bailey and Lawrence C. Cox