The first Herstron class survey/contact ship was built more than 40 years ago by Granville Brothers, a small Kelnee aerospace company. Over the next ten years Granville Brothers would go on to produce a total of 32 Herstrons. Initially, the Herstrons were built for the Kelnee government to explore the worlds of the Draconis Cluster, but as time went by, the Kelnee government replaced all of its Herstrons with more advanced ships. Most of the ships of the Herstron class are still in service and are being used by less advanced worlds and private companies.
Very Short Short Medium Long ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 150-Mj Laser Turret 10:1/8-24 20:1/4-13 40:1/2-7 80:1/1-3
Area Surface Hits Internal Damage Systems (1D20) 1 1-9: Ant, Hold JD-3H LS-3H 10-12 Hatch MD-2H ELS-1H 2-3 1-5: Ant 1-6: Elec, 7-12: Hold, PP-3H LSR-16x1H 13-20 Qrts AG-1H AEMS-2h 4-5 Hold FPP-1H LT-1H 6-7 1-16: Hold, 17-20: Qrts All Others-1h 8 1-14: Hold, 15-20: Qrts 9 1: AL 1-14: Hold, 15-20: Qrts 10 1-14: Qrts, 15-20: Laser Turret 11 1-6: Hold, 7-14: Qrts, 15-20 Eng 12-13 1-13: Hold, 14-20: Qrts 14-15 Qrts 16 1: AL 1-14: Hold, 15-20: Qrts 17 1-14: Hold, 15-20: Qrts 18-19 1-8: Eng, 9-20 Qrts 20 Eng
Granville Brothers - Herstron class Survey/Contact Ship (Type SC) QSDS 1.5 Tons: 200dtons (Streamlined) Volume: 2,8000 m^3 Cost: 101.9MCr Crew: 7 High/Mid Pass: 8/0 Low: 0 Cargo: 31dtons Controls: Std TL: 12 8 Size 2 Jump Drive (20 Std/Pc Fuel) 1 Maneuver (Thruster, 56 Mw) 1xLaser turret (+0) 1/1-0-0-0 1.5 Power Plant (150Mw) 41dtons Fuel (S40, R8) A10 P4 J0 Sensors 10 Armor, 6 Structure Crew Detail:1xCommander, 1xPilot 1xAstrogator, 2xEngineer, 1xGunner 1xSesors Operator Note: The ship has 15 Large staterooms, a Sick bay and a Laboratory.
The deckplans use 2meter squares and each deck is 3 meters tall
Lower Level: Hold, Quarters, Engineering
more detailed view of the lower level 1,119x1,119
Upper Level: Fuel, Cockpit, Sickbay, Lab, Laser Turret, Quarters
more detailed view of the upper level 1,119x1,119
This ship was built for the January '97 TML Starship contest using Dave
Golden and the GDW-beta list's SSDS.