Tech Level 11 Arrek class 50 ton Utility Lander

The Arrek class Utility Lander is a very common sight at starports,
spaceports, orbital facilities, or any where that intrasystem shipping takes
Ship's Specifications
- Displacement: 50 tons
- Hull Armor: 20
- Length: 27 meters
- Volume: 700m3
- Price: 14.7MCr
- Target Size: S
- Configuration: Wedge, Airframe
- Tech Level: 11
- Mass Empty / Loaded: 578/1,132 tons
Engineering Data
- Power Plant: 47.5 MW Fission Power Plant (47.5MW per hit) 20 days
- Empty G-Rating: 2.07 (14.5MW/G)
- Loaded G-Rating: 1.06 (28.3 MW/G)
- Thrust: 1,200 tons uses Thruster Plates
- Maint: 14.8
- Computers: TL-11 Std (0.MW), TL-11 Mod Flt (0.055MW)
- Commo: 30,000Km Radio (1MW)
- Avionics: TL-10+ Avionics
- Sensors: Active EMS 30,000km (1 hexes, 2.4MW)
- Controls: Dynamic Linked, 2x Bridge Workstations, 2x Normal
- Life Support: Basic (.07 MW), Gravitic Compensators (2G;
- Crew: 2
- Passengers: 40
- Cargo: 553 m3, 1 large cargo hatches
Damage Table
Area |
Surface Hits |
Internal Damage |
Systems |
1 |
1-8 Ant. |
1-19 Elec.; 20 Hold |
MD-1H |
2-3 |
1 Elec; 2-20 Hold |
PP-2H |
4-17 |
Hold |
GC-3h |
18-19 |
Engs. |
All Others-(1h) |
20 |
1-14 Cargo Hatch |
Hold |
Ant.=Antenna, Elec.=Electronics, Engs.=Engines, MD=Manuver Drive, PP=Power
Plant, GC=Grav Compensators
Marc Miller's Traveller's Stats
Bull class Assault Lander
- Tech Level: 11
- Tons: 50
- Volume: 700
- Cost in MCr: 14.7
- Crew: 2
- Cargo: 39.5tons
- Controls: TL-11 Std, Flight TL-11
- Sensor Ratings
- Size Rating: 7
- Armor: 10
- Structure: 3
- G Rating/Maneuver Drive: 2.07/1.06
- Power Plant Rating: 1.9
- Fuel Rating: .009
Deck Plan

A larger and better quality verion of the deckplan
(50K, 800x341) is available
The ship is design to be compatable with the Standard Starship Design
Syustem (SSDS) with the exception that accelleration is based on power to
mass and not power to volume. The lander uses a Tech Level 8 fission power
plant, because at Tech Level 11 the minimum size for a fusion power plant is
10 displacement tons or 140 cubic meters.