A-765 Starfighter

By: Tommy Grav ()
A-765 Starfighter

A-765 StarFighter class Small Fighter

(FF&S v2. with Andrew Akins invaluable spreadsheet

(This ship uses the unofficial fuel in waste space rule.)

The A-765 Starfighter is a small but heavly armed space fighter that is primarly used by the Altarian FreeState. Developed and buildt at the Naval Force Yards on Altair the Propriater has gotten the tool he needed to keep the forces of Kruger Imperial Area and the Roman Democrazy at bay.
The fighter is a workhorse with a 3G HEPlaR engine and almost 20 G-hours of fuel.

Universial Ships Profile


   Tons: 21std ( AF Wedge Hypersonic )          Crew: 1/3               
   Volume: 294m3                                Cost: 25,03 MCr 
   Mass (L/C): 400t/393t                        Maintenance Points: 9   
   Dimensions: 20,8m x 14,3m x 5,9m             Tech Level: 13  
   Size: 7              


   Controls: Holographic, High automation. 2xComp (CM:0.45 CP:2.22). 
             1xFibComp (CM:0.45 CP:2.22). 
             Terrain following sensors (TF:510, NOE:170). No bridge.                            
   Communications: 1xRadio (50.000km, 0.02MW). 
                   1xLaser (1.000AU, 0MW).                              
   Sensors: 1xPEMS (13 [5mkm], 0MW). 
            1xAEMS (10, 0.13MW). 
            1xLIDAR (14 [200kkm], 0.2MW).                                                       
   ECM: 1xRadio Jammer (50.000km, 0.03MW). 
        1xPas. Jammer (13, 0.01MW).                             
   Signatures: Vis:-1, IR:0 (-0.5 at 69MW, -0.5 at 10MW), Act:-0.5, 
               Neu:0, Grav:-2



   1xFixed Laser (+4) 1/2-2-0-0 
           [2,100/19-11-6-3] (SR) 

   1xMissile Turret Can 2/2 
           ( Mag:0 MFD:50.000km)
     w/2 Ind DL 1d6/1 [36] 5.2G/12
          2.9/3  Maneuver (HEPlaR:59MW, 19.8 G-hours)   
        1.1/1.1  Contra-grav (7MW)      
3448kph/3506kph  Atmosphere (Crus:2586kph/2630kph)      
             10  Power (Fus:100MW,0.1yr )       
             20  Battery (0.65/436.1/51.1)      
            7.1  Fuel   
      2/0/0/0/0  Accomodations  
              4  G-Comp         
             30  Meson Screen (0.25MW)  
        10 [50]  Armor
              3  Structure 


   Drives:  1xHEPlaR 0.7G / 0.7G.                               
   Screens: 1xMeson Screen (PV:10).                             
   Communications: 1xLaser (500.000km).

Crew Details

  1xMnvr. 1xGunn. 1xScrn.

Ships Deckplans